Nano bubble spa magna

  • Dryer li jħaddem qawwa għolja għall-klieb

    Il-dryer tal-klieb Happy Bear huwa żgħir, Dryer tal-annimali domestiċi kumpatt u qawwi li jista 'jwarrab l-ilma, ħmieġ, debris u l-undercoat mill-annimali domestiċi malajr u b'mod effiċjenti. Għandu veloċità u temperatura tal-fluss tal-arja varjabbli. L-innovazzjoni ta 'din it-teknoloġija ġġib tisħin naturali u kwiet, operazzjoni insulata. Huwa disinn esklussiv. Il-materjal tal-qoxra tiegħu u l-iżbokk tar-riħ għoli jingħaqdu perfettament. In-dryer għandu storbju baxx, Riħ qawwi u kkonċentrat.

  • Trimmers tal-Klieb Professjonali Clippers Bla Fili,Leħja tal-Kelb ta' Ħsejjes Baxx

    clipper, blade, clipper oil, 4 comb attachments, transformer and brush.

  • new pet smart cabin

  • pet icu

  • Nano bubble spa magna

  • Imqass tal-annimali domestiċi

    The NBF pet shear is of professional design. It is made of 9 Cr 13 which is the best material with long-lasting sharpness, sharp and wearable. It is fit for professional salon and home use. The special finger rests and hand-honed, convex edges provide groomers with the ultimate in comfort, control and performance which reduces hand fatigue.

  • Rose soft shampoo (smooth and moisturizing)

    Ingredients: deionized water, natural fatty alcohol ether sodium sulfate, sodium lauryl glutamate, fatty alcohol ether sulfosuccinate sodium, glycerin, lauric acid monoethanolamide, hydrolyzed wheat protein, keratin, amino acid, fruit acid silk Protein nutrient factor, VB6, aloe extract, VE, pure argan oil, wild chrysanthemum extract, aloe extract, VB2, methyl isothiazolone.

  • Prevention of skin diseases shampoo (sterilization and itching)

    Ingredients: ionized water, natural fatty alcohol ether sodium sulfate, sodium lauryl glutamate, fatty alcohol ether sulfosuccinate sodium, glycerin, lauric acid monoethanolamide, coconut oil amphoteric acid sodium acetate, polysaccharide polymer mixture, Keratin, amino acid, eucalyptus oil, lavender extract, refined argan oil, Aipu extract, Sophora flavescens extract, Cnidium extract, nisin, quaternized silicone polysaccharide, methylisothiazolinone .

  • Honey fluffy hair shampoo (fluffy shape)

    Ingredients: deionized water, natural fatty alcohol ether sodium sulfate, sodium lauryl glutamate, sodium fatty acid ether sulfosuccinate, glycerin, lauric acid monoethanolamide, sodium cocoamphoacetate, polysaccharide polymer mixture Natural honey extract, amino acid, collagen, VB6, VE, refined argan essential oil, oat extract, valerian extract, activated cellulose, PCA-Na, methyl isothiazolinone.

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