Dryer li jħaddem qawwa għolja għall-klieb
Below specifications can be customized based on your needs, please check with our representative before order.
Model: | Dog hair dryer HB1001& HB1002 |
Colors: | Orange, yellow, iswed &stainless steel |
Features: | Veloċità u temperatura varjabbli tar-riħ |
vultaġġ: | 110-240V |
Qawwa: | 2800W |
Air speed: | 25-50Sinjorina |
Heat: | 40℃-60℃ |
Noise: | 60DB |
1. Low noise, Riħ qawwi u kkonċentrat.
2. Necessary tools for pet stores, professional users and home users.
3. Kapaċi jaħsel il-filtru u faċli biex jinbidel.
4.Tibdil bl-idejn jagħmilha konvenjenti li ġġorr.
Q:Is nbf manufacturer or trading company?
A:NBF is professional manufacturer for pet grooming products with experience over 12 years. We can offer one-stop service of customization for your every special requirement.
Q:X'inhuma t-termini tal-ħlas tiegħek?
A:Ħallas 50% jiddepożita l-ewwel u ħallas il-bqija 50% qabel il-ġarr.
Q:Tista 'tippersonalizza 110V?
A:Yes, we can. We can customize the voltage of 110V-240V.
Q:What is the difference between HB1001 and HB1002?
A:HB1001 is made of iron spray paint shell. Tista 'tagħżel isfar, oranġjo jew iswed. The material of the shell in HB1002 is stainless steel.