thread trimming machine
thread trimming machine

thread trimming machine

1.LCD operation interface; easy use and operation.

2.Intelligent function of fabric selection and adjustment. Switch with one button.

3.Automatic blade cooling system.

4.Large capacity collection box for loose threads, with visible transparent window.

5.Mute design, high speed and energy saving.

6.Single/Double-head head design, suitable for different occasions.

የምርት ዝርዝር

ግብረመልስ አሁን

1.LCD operation interface; easy use and operation.
2.Intelligent function of fabric selection and adjustment. Switch with one button.
3.Automatic blade cooling system.
4.Large capacity collection box for loose threads, with visible transparent window.
5.Mute design, high speed and energy saving.
6.Single/Double-head head design, suitable for different occasions

1,በደንበኞች ልዩ መስፈርቶች መሰረት የበለጠ ትክክለኛ እና ውጤታማ ማምረት እና አገልግሎቶችን እናቀርባለን።.
2.ምርትዎን የበለጠ የተሻለ ለማረጋገጥ ፕሮፌሽናል QC ቡድን አለን።.
3.ማምረት ከመጀመርዎ በፊት ጥሬ እቃውን ያረጋግጡ.
4.በሂደቱ ጊዜ የዘፈቀደ ፍተሻ ያድርጉ.
5.ያድርጉት 100% ከማጓጓዣው በፊት ምርመራ.

Widely used in:Apparels, embroideries, bags and suitcases, handbags, shoes and hats, baby supplies, personal protective equipment, sporting goods, bedding and other industries.

ጥ:Where is the factory's address?
ሀ:ADDRESS:4 ኛ ፎቅ,ቁጥር 3 ህንፃ,ያዲ ቴክኖሎጂ ፓርክ,No4 Hetai መንገድ,ሄሎን ጎዳና,ባይዩን አውራጃ,ጓንጉዙ,ቻይና
Celine Wen Tel: +86 189 2407 0859 EMAIL:


ጥ: ፕሮጀክት እንዴት እንደሚጀመር?
ሀ: ፕሮጀክትዎን ለመጀመር, እባክዎን የምርት ሞዴሎችን ዝርዝር ይላኩልን, ብዛት እና የተወሰኑ መስፈርቶች. ከዚያ, የሚለውን ጥቅስ በውስጣችን ያገኛሉ 24 ሰዓታት.


ጥ:What about your standard delivery date ?
ሀ: Usually 5-20 days.


ጥ:የክፍያ ውሎችዎ ምንድ ናቸው??
ሀ:ይክፈሉ 50% አስቀድመህ አስቀምጠው የቀረውን ክፈል። 50% ከማጓጓዣ በፊት.


ጥ: የእኛ ዝቅተኛ የትእዛዝ ብዛት እንዴት ነበር?
ሀ:Our MOQ is 50pcs.


መልእክትዎን ለእኛ ይላኩልን:

አሁን ለይቶ ማወቅ

የምርት ምክር

    አሁን ለይቶ ማወቅ